Mysore Mananthavady road that cuts through two of the forest reserves, Bandipur and Nagarhole has been an arterial road for those who travel between Kerala and Karnataka. When the stretch from Dammankatte to Ubdur was closed for project tiger , there was lot of noise from Kerala business men citing there will be economic loss and impact to transport of essential items - like food to the consumer state of Kerala. . The good news is that recent camera trap images (after stopping vehicle movement in this segment) at Ubdur junction confirmed 4 individual tigers moving in this segment - a sign of higher wildlife activity , after the ban of vehicles..
We went to Ubdur junction at 6PM - this gate is closed between 6PM and 6 AM. We saw the vehicle statistics showed close to 800 vehicles passing through this segment - one vehicle a minute was the average frequency ! One aspect was clear, the number of public transport vehicles like buses were on an average 35 per day whereas the number of cars and jeeps of tourists were as high as 300 per day. Should I now assume these tourist vehicles were transporting essential commodities ? - I agree more trucks ply on the NH212 on the Gundlupet - Muthanga segment which carry the essential commodities to Kerala.
The scene at Ubdur after 6 PM was an eye opener for the two of us from "God's Own Country" - the so called educated society who flaunt their Dubai labour card to cross the rules of the forest department were on the rise after 6PM. There were atleast 5 vehicles who stopped and shouted at the forest guards to open the gate after 6PM. I realised there were many late comers who felt breaking the rules of the forest was an easy affair. I couldn't agree more with Goans - "God's Own Country ; but Devil's own people ! "
I salute the forest guards who protect the food and water security of our nation, their enemies are not terrorists , but the educated tourists whose power to think and abide the law has been buried under the influence of currency they earn.
I couldn't agree more with the words.. "grow local food and ensure one doesn't buy products that has travelled long distances burning fossil fuel to reach your homes" - the impact was not just in burning fossil fuels, but in increasing the demand to open up more and more roads through pristine forests of India !
We thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the forest we saw at the gate. Though we did not spot large mammals, nature trails with Sanctuary team has given me the sensitivity to enjoy and be aware of the small and beautiful !
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